Aristo Corporation Limited

DateJanuary 20, 2021 – January 23, 2021
City / Country Dhaka Bangladesh Asia
VenueICCB, International Convention City Bashundhara
Items to be exhibitedPlastic, Rubber, Plastic & Rubber Raw Material & Auxiliaries, Quality Detection Instrument and Equipment, Packaging Machinery Parts & Accessories, etc.
For VisitorsEligibility : Trade only
Method of admission : Apply/register online
For details, please contact the organizer directly.
OrganizerChan Chao International Co., Ltd
Tel : +886-2-2659-6000
E-mail :
Message from organizerHeld with the concurrent exhibition.
IndustryFundamental Industries/Chemistry, Rubber, Plastics, MaterialsMachinery, Industrial Technology /Manufacturing Technology & EngineeringTransportation, Logistics, Packaging /Packaging (Materials, Machinery & Equipment)Living/Paper & Paper Products, Printing & PublishingMachinery, Industrial Technology /Electric & Electronics (Products, Machinery)Machinery, Industrial Technology /Testing, Measuring & Analyzing, Precision Mechanics
last fair information2019 year
Total number of visitors : 26639
Total number of exhibitors : 460
Data Certified : ufi
The past records may include concurrent/joint exhibits.
Official websiteFor more detailed information of the trade fair, please check the official website External site: a new window will open. of the individual organizer.
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